
Taylor Wheeler - Certified Dog Behaviourist.


Over 10 years ago Taylor Wheeler started her journey working with and studying canine obedience, behaviour, psychology and training. She became an internationally recognised accredited dog trainer.

It became her mission and dream to teach people responsible dog ownership and to help put a stop to canines being surrendered and abandoned nationally and globally.

The Dog Training Lifestyle runs an educational program called the “Pink Paw Program” which has now gone international..

The program educates Australian & International rescue group staff and volunteers as well as new dog owners, teaching the positive way of dog training so this can be implemented before and during the dogs adoption day.

“This way the rescue dogs will be more controllable and given a higher chance of finding and remaining within their new forever home”.

“We shine a light on these organisations so that the community is aware of the dogs up for adoption and strive to find these groups more support for the amazing job that they do”, Taylor says.

Taylor has founded three business’s within the dog industry including two dog grooming salons and a dog training centre. She is dedicated to making a change in the world through education and love for animals and canines.

Taylor has written and created ebooks, online courses and a dog training app to support the program. All purchases go straight back into the Pink Paw Program to help support others.